About Me

Zhenghua Secondary
6 November 1994

Monday, July 5

Look what my bro gave me!!

Tickets to NDP.

Went with Farah and Fatin and damn it was a great show! Though there had some boring parts too. To kick start our day, we ate @ Food Culture @ Lot 1. I LOVE THE NASI BRIYANI THERE. AWESOME!
Farah had Sambal Beef

Equally tasteful

Took some photos before we head to Raffles Place. Or rather, the gurls took some photos.

When we arrive at Raffles Place, we didn't know how to go to our destination. So, since the event is NDP, we followed people who wore red or white. LOL. (btw, Fatin and I wore red and white to there). Not long after, we saw the stadium.
Look the Singapore River!
The colour of the river is like dirty green or brown. Have no idea why.

Before we enter the stadium, we got our goodies bag! And there were like 5 different designs. I got the simplest of all the design. Its like a red rectangle with butterflies. I think Fatin's one was nicer. Hers was the national pledge which I though was quite innovative. There's a FUN BOX which contains a singapore flag, a singapore clapper, and a poncho (which will come in handy soon).

Frankly speaking, I thought this year's NDP was quite boring. Apart from Sezairi and Slyvia singing and the occasional lighting of fireworks, everything was BORING. Hence, to compensate the boredom, we took some photos while waiting NDP to start.

The worst thing of going to a outdoor event was fearing that it would be boring. And if it does satisfy the former option, the second worst thing to happen was rain to come. And unfortunately, it did happened. TOUGH LUCK! And the funny thing was, even though it started to drizzle, we still continue taking photos. (with our poncho). LOL
NDP started and the rest of the photos were pretty self explanatory for the performances.

Continue to take some photos.

NDP ended with the lighting of splendid fireworks. The three of us went to Lot 1 to have our dinner @ LJS. Fish + chicken + fries + CHEESE WERE AWESOME!!

Overall, I enjoyed the performances but definitely not the rain. The rain ruined everything. If I were given a choice, I will still go again. BECAUSE ITS WITH THE GURLS!!!

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