About Me

Zhenghua Secondary
6 November 1994

Monday, June 27

The last time I blog was on 27 April. Wow, and it's 27 June now. Okay, I was intending to let this blog fade and lost to the vast world of cyber world but I feel that I have some things that has been bottled in my heart for a very long time and I think I need to vent it out. The whole post is going to be about words. Yes, words.

We use words every day. Every time we open our mouth, we uses words. Words, I believe, have power. It has the power to influence people's mindset and alter a person's e
motion. I classify words into two category. Empower words and Negative words.

When is the last time you praise somebody? Just a simple gesture such as, 'Hello, how's your day? I like your dress!' is strong enough to make someone's day. It's like you've just given the person charcoal during winter. It warms the heart and soul. What's better, it makes the person happier. I don't find it weird to walk up to someone in the middle of the streets and praise how awesome his/her looks is. I mean only do it when you genuinely feels it. Be brave. Have the courage to send love to others. It cost nothin
g and it doesn't hurt. Failure to express one's feelings have always been a problem for most Singaporeans, or rather most people. They are afraid. They are afraid of embarrassment and being viewed as queer. You know why such insecurities arises? It is largely due to the fact that such behavior is not the norm in our society.
"But it's really weird and freaky to approach a stranger and praise them!"
Fine, let's not talk about strangers. Let's talk about family. When is the last time you tell your family members 'I love you'.
I know these three words sound so corny and mushy. But do you know how strong is it? It lets the family member know how much you mean to them. Maybe they may be taken aback initially. But since when response towards sudden actions is neutral? There will definitely be element of surprise in it. Do it frequently. It will become a norm. A stronger expression of love would be hugging. Hugging may be the most heart-warming source you can ever find. Don't compare hugging with buying your love ones material. It's totally two different things. There is a huge disparity between material wants and emotional needs.

Done with empower words, moving on to negative words.
As the word suggest, negative is not something pleasant. Not even a bit. What exactly count as negative words? What may be a normal word to one may be a hurtful word to others. One classic example is the word, 'Fat'. And one classic way of saying is,

'You are so fat.'

My response towards this sentence, 'Fag'. Naysayers may think it's alright but do they know the implications of their actions? The victim's self-esteem may be destroyed and they will feel so bad about themselves to the extent that they will hurt themselves in hope that the physical pain will numb the emotional pain. Humans I believe, are like plates. Stress may build up within them and after a period of time, if the stress is not released periodically, it will snap one day and the impact is going to be catastrophic. When the energy is released for plates, there will be an earthquake. But for humans, I guess the worst case scenario is suicidal. Do you know how badly naysayers' words can affect someone? Ask yourself, have you ever used negative words towards someone? That someone may be suffering now because of the use of your simple yet negative words like 'ugly'. If you really want to let the person know he/she is fat, why not say it in a better way? Like 'Maybe you should exercise more.' Don't it sounds better? Why want to destroy someone's self-esteem? Shame on you.

I've come to the end of my post. To end it, I hope we can strive to become a better person and use more empowering words like 'beautiful' or 'impressive' rather than negative words like 'loser' or 'stupid'. This world can be way better than it is now. :)

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